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Separation Anxiety

Mission Possible: Solving Separation Anxiety

A single session online webinar:


October 18, 2023

10 AM PST / 1 PM EST

or watch the recording anytime after.


Includes the live session & recording access



Malena DeMartini: Separation Anxiety 


This webinar will reveal the not commonly believed fact that indeed resolution of Separation Anxiety is truly possible.


We will review multiple aspects about separation anxiety including the why, the what, and the how to proceed. In addition, the considerable research about separation anxiety over the past 4 decades will be incorporated as it is extremely helpful in working with this very nuanced behavior issue.  


A structured approach to creating separation anxiety plans has turned a once considered impossible training task into a doable one with successful resolution of even the most severe appearing separation anxiety cases being attainable.


A few of the key elements of this training discussion will include the following and more:


Myths about Separation Anxiety

Systematic Desensitization and What That Really Means

Absence Management Creativity and Solutions

The Possibility of Prevention?

Feeding Toys not Necessarily a Fixit

Confinement and its Impact on SA

“Spoiling" a Dog with SA Might Surprise You

Obedience Training is not the Panacea




 Malena DeMartini 

Malena DeMartini-Price is renowned in the dog training world for her expertise in dog separation anxiety issues. She is the author of the books Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs (Dogwise. 2014) and the new edition: Separation Anxiety in Dogs- Next Generation Treatment Protocals & Practices (Dogwise 2020).


She has contributed articles on separation anxiety to multiple publications such as the Association of Professional Dog Trainers’ (APDT) Chronicle of the Dog, Pet Professional Guild’s (PPG) Barks From the Guild, and various national magazines such as The Bark. 

Malena has dedicated her career to finding better ways to treat separation anxiety and oversees a team of highly experienced and uniquely qualified Certified Separation Anxiety Trainers.


She lectures on SA at professional dog training workshops and conferences around the world, including everything from large professional conferences to small venues. She also has been interviewed widely on this topic and multiple videos and podcasts have been produced. Malena is an honors graduate of the esteemed Academy for Dog Trainers, where she studied under Jean Donaldson, and is a member of the APDT, the Pet Professionals Guild, and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.


Website: Contact:






The presentation was previously recorded for the specific purpose of presenting the information at these webinars. Each of the presentation broadcasts is followed by a live Q/A session with the speaker.



Each of the webinars is followed by a live webinar appearance of speaker that is exclusive to our online audience. Both speakers will answer additional questions on our discussion forum, TrainerTalk, after the live sessions are done.



Each of the webinars are about 2 1/2 hours of presentation followed by our live Q/A of 30 minutes.

Malena DeMartini's webinar on Separation Anxiety (10/18/23) will start at 10 AM PST / 11 AM Mountain / 12 PM Central and 1 PM EST.



Whether you miss or attend any scheduled broadcast date you will still be able to view all of the recordings plus all of the Q & A sessions that followed, for an entire year, an unlimited number of times.



If you are CCPDT or IAABC certified trainer, there are 2 CEUs available for each of the 2 webinars. When ordering the seminar ticket, there is a box where you enter your CCPDT 7-digit number. After the conference finishes, we will provide the number to CCPDT. For IAABC credits we will be sending certificates upon request.


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