More than ever before canine professionals are approached by clients with dogs who exhibit aggressive behavior. Within the population both have increased, the number of dogs exhibiting various degrees of aggression as well as people’s sensitivity to aggressive dog behavior.
In this two-part webinar series, we will look at the biological and environmental causes of dog aggression from DNA through gut biomes to chronic stress. We will look at the biological mechanisms behind different management and treatment options so you better understand what might work and when.
Environmental and learning effects are always superimposed upon genetic influences, but aggressive behavior does not occur in a biological vacuum. We will define "normal aggression" versus symptoms for maladaptive aggression responses.
Session One: ​
In this session we will set the stage, clarify terminologies, discuss the extent of the issues & explore the biological basis of canine aggression!
Define Aggression
Evolutionary purpose of aggression
Which animals have it
Gene source & how wolves use it
Scope of issue in the dog world
Historical context
Current environment
News and perception​
Gut biome
Age related brain changes
Training (self-rewarding)
Other dogs
People (including owner)
Session Two:
A dive into the intrinsic biological controls of aggression, the biological basis of aggression management through mechanical controls to medical aggression reducers.
The aggressive-dog partner pledge about the responsibilities for your dog’s actions
How normal aggression is biologically “managed” by dogs
Neurological control
Behavior control
What dog partners can do about aggression
Ignore it (these escalate)
Knowing a dog’s predispositions
Genetic markers
Signs and symptoms
Situation management (how these affect dog’s hormones and parasympathetic nervous system
Biological basis for a sampling of representative physical tools of aggression management, from the appropriate & useful to the inappropriate and likely harmful:
Thunder shirts
Prong & shock collars
Behavior training & different types of learning:
Dogs: how canines learn
Humans: how humans learn
The biological basis for common training methods such as:
Counter Conditioning & Desensitization (CC & D)
Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT)
Impulse Control and other forms of behavior modification
Medical intervention
Common drugs and how they work on the organism
Euthanasia: how those drugs work

Dr. Tim Lewis is an Eco-biologist, Professor of Biology at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul MN and a widely published research scientist. In addition he is a popular lecturer on Canine Cognition at Camp Gone to the Dogs, VT and other venues nationwide. ​
Tim has a longtime connection to the fields of human physiology and health, as well as the very different pedagogies involved in teaching activities courses such as NAUI scuba. He worked closely with Health and Human Performance (HHP) in the development of Biology’s link to Public Health and provided stewardship to the HHP Department during its 2015 decennial review. He is also the author of the acclaimed new book from Dogwise Publishing: The Biology of Dogs and an exciting Puppyworks Webinar with the same title.
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Lewis: Biology of Aggression
Lewis: Biology of Aggression

Lewis Aggression 1