Assess-A-Pet Protocols
Ethogram: Catalog of Behaviors
Thresholds for Resource Guarding
Management & Behavior Modification
Includes All Sessions:
Fee: $39
6 CEUs


Sue founded the shelter featured in an HBO documentary: Shelter Dogs ( She has developed national programs, such as Training Wheels® for community shelter outreach and dedicated herself to ensuring the quality of life of animals in their communities, at animal shelters and in safe adoptions. Her 30 years of canine behavior experience, includes as an animal control officer, behavior consultant at the ASPCA, shelter owner, successful competitor in dog sports, and a teacher of dog trainers world-wide.
She is the author of Great Dog Adoptions: A Guide for Shelters (Latham Foundation publication) and Successful Dog Adoption published by Wiley. Her most recent publications (all published by Dogwise) include Out and About With Your Dog, Dog-Dog Interactions, Assessing Aggression Thresholds in Dogs and Understanding Sociability (DVD).
Click here for Sue's website.

Trish has been a dog addict since she was a teen, and managed to combine her love of dogs with her respect and affection for people. Her goal is always to enrich the lives of both, through the humane and thoughtful use of relationship work, environmental management and training.
Trish established the Canine Behavior Academy at the Marin Humane Society for new or interested trainers, which covers dog handling, evaluating, learning theory, training techniques and solving problems, as well as teaching people.
After she left Marin Humane, she taught the academy at Humane Society Silicon Valley, and then locally in Marin. It is now offered online. Several hundred people have attended all levels of the Academy. Trish also teaches workshops and seminars on behavior, canine management, temperament assessment, and handling difficult dogs.
Trish's speaking engagements have included numerous conferences presented by the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, the Humane Society of the United States, and the American Humane Association, as well as California Animal Care Conferences, private training groups, webinars and teleconferences.
She has written a critically acclaimed book for dog owners, Parenting Your Dog (TFH Publications), as well as numerous articles about dog and cat behavior for local and national newspapers and magazines. Trish is:
Member of the American Humane Association Task Force for Humane Dog Training.
Equipment Chair of the Delta Guidelines for Humane Dog Training.
Past Board member and charter member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT).
Member of the task force to restructure PetSmart Dog Training practices.
Instructor with "Dogs of Course", E-Training for Dogs & Raising Canine, LLC.​
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Resource Guarding
Resource Guarding

Resource 1

Resource 2