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Teaching Dogs Cognitive Skills

An onDemand online lecture in 3 two-hour sessions.

Watch anytime, anywhere on any device. 


Includes All Sessions:

Fee: $59


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Animal cognition has long been associated with tool use, and even tool making, most famously in Jane Goodall’s study of chimpanzees. In the intro, Pat shows numerous videos of animal tool use: a badger shifting the end a of large branch from the floor to above a wall to facilitate escaping an enclosure; a dog doing a little furniture moving to access a countertop; a bird stealing bread to successfully use as bait, to catch a fish for dinner, and incredible crows: one fashioning a straight thin metal rod into a hook to lift a wire handled glass out of a bucket. (Other crows are famed for placing nuts on roads to have passing cars crack the shells.)


The dog world has followed suit: Over the past decade-plus there has been a revolution in the world of dog behavior, as canine cognition scientists such as Adam Miklosi, Alexandra Horowitz, Claudia Fugazza, Brian Hare and others have explored abilities of the dog’s brain once thought to be far beyond the reach of our canine companions. 


Session One: Intro - Animals as Tool Users, Choice & Imitation  â€‹

​​​Session Two: Shape, Color & Object Discrimination 

​​Session Three: Match to Sample, Reading & Counting 


Pat Miller 


Pat Miller, a past President of APDT, has been training dogs for more than 35 years. She was a humane officer at the Marin Humane Society in California for 20 years and most recently trains as a CPDT and behavior consultant at her Peaceable Paws Dog and Puppy Training Center in Maryland, home to her acclaimed Intern Academies. Pat is also APDT's 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award winner.


Pat writes for, and is Training Editor, of The Whole Dog Journal and contributes to Your Dog (published by Tufts University Veterinary School). Her first dog training book, The Power of Positive Dog Training (Howell Book House, 2001) has been on’s "Top 10 Dog Training Books" list since January of 2002. Her other books are: Positive Perspectives, Positive Perspectives 2,  Play With Your Dog, and “Do Over Dogs-Give Your Dog a Second Chance for a First Class Life”.


Her most recent book: “Beware of the Dog: Positive Solutions for Aggressive Behavior in Dogs” (Dogwise Publishing, 2017) is a practical road map to evaluating, managing and modifying aggression in pet dogs. 


In addition to this seminar, you can find her books for sale at

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Pt Miller: Brainwork for Dogs

Pt Miller: Brainwork for Dogs

Pt Miller: Brainwork for Dogs
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Brainwork 1

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brainwork 2

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